Friday, December 18, 2015

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 🚩 संस्कृत-सुभाषित 🚩 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 दृष्टिपूतं न्यासेत्पादं वस्त्रपूतं पिबेज्जलम् शास्त्रपूतं...

🚩 संस्कृत-सुभाषित 🚩

दृष्टिपूतं न्यासेत्पादं वस्त्रपूतं पिबेज्जलम्
शास्त्रपूतं वदेद्वाक्यं मनः पूतं समाचरेत्
- चाणक्य नीति

मार्ग को द्रष्टि द्वारा पवित्र करें अर्थात देख कर चलें, जल को छान कर पिऐं, वाणी को शास्त्रों अर्थात शास्त्र सम्मत बोलें और कार्यों को विचारों द्वारा अर्थात सोच समझ कर कार्य करें।

Clear the path through sight; filter drinking water through a cloth; purify speech through knowledge of scriptures; cleanse actions through thought.

While setting his foot, one visually makes sure his path is clear. He does this, so that he doesn’t falter. There might be a stone he could trip on or a pit he could fall in! If he has visually cleared the path he is treading on, he can reach his destination faster.

Drinking water needs to be filtered. A cloth was used to strain it, in the olden days. Rain water is not drinkable directly unless it is from the springs directly. It needs to be purified of all sediments before consumption.

One’s words should be wise and compassionate. This can happen when it is purified through the study of scriptures and the knowledge gained by them. One who is whetted by the knowledge in the scriptures speaks pleasantly and appropriately.

Look before you leap, think before you act! Mind would never allow one to perform wrongful deeds. If one thinks his actions through his mind and applies his heart, he would not put a wrong step.

Think thy actions through and do not hesitate to execute anything that is purified through thy thoughts.

from Tumblr

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